Graffiti River
Brian Eno by Alfred Dunhill
Living the High Life
Wally McNamee on Covering President John F. Kennedy
Myth of the Flat Earth
Last Year's Picture in Today's News
Here is another one of mine in The New York Times.
With pictures, generally when filing a day late it's already yesterday's news. But I guess there are some exceptions...
National Museum of China
Welcome to the National Museum of China.
Tiananmen Square
A quick stop at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China while en route to Dubai last week.
That Beijing Walk
Been on a traveling mission as of late hitting one country after another racking those miles up.
Here's some of that Beijing walk for you during my time in the city...
Going to be back home for a week and a half, and then it's back to Singapore again for a photography event. After that will be Hong Kong in May for some shutter pressing.
Some time next week will be a post about Dubai. Oh man words can't even describe how awesome Dubai is...
Over and out.