My 2014 Year in Photos

Made it through another year of making pictures and I'm really grateful to still be doing just that. The only major downside for me in this year is losing a bunch of pictures/data when my 5 month old laptop and lens was stolen from me. It happens I guess.

The majority of these pictures are just snapshots taken along my way in 2014 whether on vacation, on assignment, or on a random day walking down the street in some country. I hoped to have showcased a few highlights from my client work but I figured my snaps are a good choice for me to reflect on my personal journey throughout the year.

Here's to whatever we have left of 2014 and wishing everyone the best in 2015.

Top Countries I Visited in 2014

While some flights are already booked for 2015, here are some of my favorite places that I've traveled to in 2014. The following shots were taken either with my Canon 6D, Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 1D Mark IV, or my Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

This year, I shot from countries like Singapore (two separate times), China, to Dubai.



Beijing, China.

Beijing, China.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Boracay, Philippines.

Boracay, Philippines.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

More next week as this year comes to a wrap...