Embracing Time — CHRISTOPHER JUE PHOTOGRAPHY | Tokyo Japan Photographer

Embracing Time

Last month and earlier in this current month were quite hectic. Had been occupied with commercial work to news assignments and corporate shoots which were all a bit overwhelming. Not to mention all the other miscellaneous work involved in between going out on location to do the actual shooting part of things. I literally had to step back from it all even if the jobs were there. One thing people don't realize is that photography is driven by passion, not money.

So a quick flight to the Philippines made the perfect getaway to get some of that personal time back...with family. Island hopping, beach fronts, eating, and more eating was just the thing to do. Even though I packed my 5D III and two lenses on this trip, I didn't shoot with it as much. I actually spent more time taking pictures with my smartphone (Samsung Note 3) which was in fact good enough like the photo above I shot in Boracay.

Time can be on our side or it can go right against us. In today's world, we all spend too much time with technology looking at other people's lives online or simply just "killing time" browsing the internet to even think how to enjoy our own life. The bad part about time is that it doesn't stop so making the most out of it every day is important. Even if that means stepping back from technology and the work you love doing to breathe a little.

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