Embracing Time

Last month and earlier in this current month were quite hectic. Had been occupied with commercial work to news assignments and corporate shoots which were all a bit overwhelming. Not to mention all the other miscellaneous work involved in between going out on location to do the actual shooting part of things. I literally had to step back from it all even if the jobs were there. One thing people don't realize is that photography is driven by passion, not money.

So a quick flight to the Philippines made the perfect getaway to get some of that personal time back...with family. Island hopping, beach fronts, eating, and more eating was just the thing to do. Even though I packed my 5D III and two lenses on this trip, I didn't shoot with it as much. I actually spent more time taking pictures with my smartphone (Samsung Note 3) which was in fact good enough like the photo above I shot in Boracay.

Time can be on our side or it can go right against us. In today's world, we all spend too much time with technology looking at other people's lives online or simply just "killing time" browsing the internet to even think how to enjoy our own life. The bad part about time is that it doesn't stop so making the most out of it every day is important. Even if that means stepping back from technology and the work you love doing to breathe a little.

Summer Breeze

While there is bit of summer still left, I thought these pictures of Marina would be a good time to share.

Canon Mark III camera. 1/2500 at F2.8, +0.3 EV, ISO 400, 50mm lens.

Canon Mark III camera. 1/2500 at F2.8, +0.3 EV, ISO 400, 50mm lens.

Canon Mark III camera. 1/8000 at F2.8, +0.3 EV, ISO 640, 50mm lens.

Canon Mark III camera. 1/8000 at F2.8, +0.3 EV, ISO 640, 50mm lens.

Canon Mark III camera. 1/5000 at F2.2, +0.3 EV, ISO 640, 50mm lens.

Canon Mark III camera. 1/5000 at F2.2, +0.3 EV, ISO 640, 50mm lens.

A Quick Summer Update

The blog went a little quiet again. It was as if the Better Business Bureau authorities came in and demanded to keep all hands off the computers while they collected a bunch of company data to place into their boxes for further investigation. They were all in scrambling around the office like chickens running around with their heads cut off at one point, and then gone the next.

The lack of a Christopher Jue clone just isn’t going to happen here unfortunately so with that being said, the blog posting inefficiency situation just may occur from time to time. I’m still trying my best to make sure it won’t be a frequent ongoing bad habit while we still have a couple months left for 2014. Let me tell you how much discipline plays an important part when working out on your own, and I've been doing it for the past six years full-time. Though, it's not as long as some people out there, I think I managed to reach the top of that steep mountain to be able to see the distance on making a living with photography.

Before the start of summer I predicted it was going to be somewhat of a slow one but it was just that of the opposite. The weight and value on some jobs had to be carefully evaluated before the decisions were made to either pass them up or delegate them to other photographers. As much as I could though, I was glad to have been able to pass some of the work off to some fellow shooters of mine. A few important shoots were accomplished in July and still face four more for August and September. Seeing all these people out in summer vacation mode made me sorta miss being part of that crowd but come September I’m back on the monthly plane rides all the way through to the end of this year.